Sunday, September 29, 2013

Puch 32 Tooth Rear Sprocket

I've been looking for a 32 tooth rear sprocket for over a year now.  I've scoured the forums and asked my friends with no success.  I have two of them, but they're trapped on my bikes currently stored in Hawaii.  So, I decided to make one.  I initially contacted Chris at 1977mopeds to see if they could get or make one for me:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ready Fo' Sho'...

Don't let it blind you...
"Puch Rigid almost ready"

Sunday, September 15, 2013


ZA50 riders drool...

"Because shims are sometimes hard to find, u just gotta make ur own..."

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Street Fighter III: Back Road Blasting

I took my bike for a spin after a long summer hiatus.  Explored some of the back roads around my area blasting on my ZA50.  Brought along my GoPro Hero 1 and 2 to experiment with different camera angles.  Please enjoy the sights and sounds:

(Please excuse the ridiculous looking rider!!)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Almost Done!!!

All show and go...