Puch Tomos Motocross Build: Scope Creep

Scope Creep
The cost of obsession

Friday, December 20, 2019

Puch Tomos Motocross Build Story: Chapter 2

Chapter 2:
Trash to Treasure 

After an epic fail in Chapter 1, it was time to tear down the kickstart motor and go for a kit.

Tear down begins

Puch Tomos Motocross Build Story: Chapter 1

Chapter 1:
The Ups and Downs 
I built a motocross bike with a Tomos Sprint frame as the base coupled with various Puch parts.  The inspiration came one day when I stumbled upon a European maxicross build by #therealribens and his crew #ejowpuchacademy, and #banana.  They used a Puch Maxi frame as their base and converted into a motocross bike that they took off road and raced around a dirt track.  Their bikes looked super cool and looked super fun to ride.

I initially set out to build this bike for my sons and niece to tear around on her uncle's farm.  It supposed to be a cheap build using all the left over parts I had.  But as you will see, it turned out to be anything but cheap.  #mopedluau build to the scope creep degree. 

The build story begin with a rusty barn find at my cousins house:

Barnyard Tomos Sprint rusting in the rain at my cousins house for over 10 years.

Puch/Tomos Motocross Bike

From the barnyard......

Sat in the rain for over 10 years
 To the Moped Luau garage.....

Restored within a year

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Trash to Treasure

Stay tuned to what I turned this trashed Tomos Sprint moped into.....

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Soma's Corner: Ohisashiburi - Yamaha RD Meet in Hakone.

Our resident Japanese Moped Luau contributor Soma-san sends us a report on his latest two-stroke exploits: 

What:  Yamaha RD meeting in Hakone.  I attended the meeting with Yamaha RZ-R team members.
When: 28 Apr 2019
Where: Daikanzan Parking are in Hakone.  We gathered at Seisho service area first. Left a Seisho service area. We arrived a Daikanzan Parking are in Hakone
Time: From 1000 ~1400
Why:  This is an annual meeting for Yamaha 2 stroke engine of the motor cycle such as RD400, RD250, RD125, RZ350, RZ250, RZ350R, RZ250r, tzr250, etc.
There was around 100 motorcycle machines of 2 stroke freaks. This is one of big 2 stroke bike event in Japan. I could see many friends and motorcycles in there. It is nice weather day. I could see a beautiful Mt.Fuji beyond Ashinoko Lake.

Seisho Parking

Friday, April 26, 2019

Monday, February 4, 2019


Always sunny in Hawaii......Stay Warm Out There!!